


52 Tips to boost your baby’s brain development


52 Tips to boost your baby’s brain development

Found a pretty good blog article about how you can help your childs brain development, this is relevant to in the womb and outside of it :)

Science hasn’t uncovered everything there is to know about gestational development, and the developing human brain is equally elusive. What we do know is that prenatal development and early childhood education are two of the most important stages in a human’s life. Indeed, there may not be any way for an adult to recover from the mental and emotional damaged caused by childhood neglect. So love your baby, and treat him like a little king by following these parenting tips and techniques to raise a smart, healthy child.
Prenatal Intelligence
One of the most crucial Essential Fatty Acids for fetal development is Omega 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This Omega 3 (not to be confused with Omega 3 EPA or ALA) is the primary structural component of brain tissue. Here are some other important facts relating to you and your developing baby.
  1. DHA is a basic building block for your baby’s brain: The Omega-3 DHA is a critical component in the development of your baby’s brain, spinal cord, eyes, and nervous system. Adequate amounts of DHA help to prevent allergies in children who are at risk for them, and also increases birth size and weight. It also increases your baby’s coordination and motor skills.
  2. Your body naturally gives all its DHA to your fetus: It’s part of the miracle of birth – your body instinctively gives your fetus all the resources it needs for optimal fetal development, even if that means that it robs you of the nutrients you need. For most mothers who are deficient in DHA, this manifests itself as postpartum depression, or in brain shrinkage (also known as ‘mommy brain’.)
  3. Mothers who got more Omega 3s in their last trimester had smarter babies: A recent study of over 11,000 pregnant women in England showed that mothers who got more Omega 3s during pregnancy had babies with higher IQs and better social development, including fewer incidences of ADD. Infants who had insufficient supply had lower fine motor skills, less developed communication skills, and social behavior issues that could be measured for years after birth.
  4. Baby’s development continues through breastfeeding: If you choose to breastfeed, you are the only source of nutrition for your baby. Since your baby’s development is continuing rapidly at this time, it is critical that you are getting enough DHA to supply your baby with enough for optimal growth, without depleting your reserves to critical levels. If you are deficient, discuss using an Omega 3 enhanced baby formula with your physician.
  5. Prenatal vitamins generally do not contain Omega 3: It is a source of unending frustration to doctors, but prenatal vitamins rarely contain DHA. With more than 98% of women not getting enough Omega 3 in their diet to properly support themselves and their developing babies, it is very important that women are aware of this lack and are looking to make up for it through diet or supplementation.
Early Days
The interactive influences of genes and experience literally shape the architecture of the developing brain, and the active ingredient is the “serve and return” nature of children’s engagement in relationships with their parents and other caregivers in their family or community. Follow these techniques.
  1. Make eye contact: Take advantage of those brief moments when your newborn’s eyes are open, and look right into them. Infants recognize faces early on — and yours is the most important! Each time he stares at you, he’s building his memory.
  2. Stick out your tongue: Studies show that newborns as young as 2 days old can imitate simple facial movements — it’s a sign of very early problem solving.
  3. Blab away: All you may get is a blank look, but leave short pauses where your baby would speak. Soon she’ll catch on to the rhythm of conversation and start filling in the blanks.
  4. Sing a song: Play Bach, the Beatles, or Britney Spears. Some research suggests that learning the rhythms of music is linked to learning math.
  5. Make a funny face: Puff up your cheeks, and have your toddler touch your nose. When she does, poof! Have her pull your ear, and then stick out your tongue. Make a funny noise when she pats your head. Keep to the same routine three or four times, then change the rules to keep her guessing.
  6. Breast-feed, if possible: And do it for as long as you can. It’s a fact that schoolkids who were breast-fed as infants have higher IQs. Plus, nursing is a great time to bond with your infant by singing, talking, or simply stroking his hair.
  7. Make the most of diaper time: Use moments on the changing pad to teach body parts or pieces of clothing. Narrate to help your baby learn to anticipate routines.
  8. Turn off the tube: Your baby’s brain needs one-on-one interaction that no TV show, no matter how educational, can provide.
  9. Be a Playground: Lie down on the floor, and let your baby climb and crawl all over you. It’s cheaper than a jungle gym and lots more fun! You’ll help boost her coordination and problem-solving skills.
  10. Shake it up, baby: Teach her to twist and shout, do the funky chicken, or twirl like a ballerina.
  11. Share the view: Take your baby on walks in a front carrier, sling, or backpack, and narrate what you see — “That’s a little dog” or “Look at those big trees!” or “Did you hear that fire engine?” — to give your baby endless vocabulary-building opportunities.
  12. Go shopping: When you need a break from your song and dance, visit the supermarket. The faces, sounds, and colors there provide perfect baby entertainment.
  13. Change the scenery: Switch your toddler’s high chair to the other side of the table. You’ll challenge his memory of where things are placed at meals.
  14. Practice three-card monte: Grab a few empty plastic food containers, and hide one of your baby’s small toys under one. Shuffle the containers, and let him find the prize.
  15. Play peekaboo: Your hide-and-seek antics do more than bring on the giggles. Your baby learns that objects can disappear and then come back.
  16. Don’t forget to give it a rest: Spend a few minutes each day simply sitting on the floor with your baby — no music, bright lights, or playful tricks.
  17. Teach Texture: Let your child play with her food. When she’s ready, serve foods that vary in texture — including cooked peas, cereal, pasta, or chunks of cantaloupe. She’ll get to practice her pincer grasp and explore her senses.
Growing a Genius
These subtle moves won’t break the bank, and they won’t keep you up at all hours of the night, but they will prove your love for baby, so try them out today.
  1. Decorate with Smart Art: Help enhance your newborn and infants’ gross motor skill and eye sight development with the ophthalmologist and pediatrician approved three-step baby room art program.
  2. Songs and lullabies: This awesome blog provides a list of songs and lullabies for you to sing to your baby.
  3. Nurture nature: You can’t change your child’s genetic blueprint, but the care and interaction you provide can influence how it plays out.
  4. Be your baby’s favorite toy: Babies’ brains are wired to get information from people, so do your baby a favor and stay by his side during the most important years of his life!
  5. Lead by following: As you play with your child, you’ll want to show him things, give him new ideas and help him develop skills. That’s natural. But it’s also important to let your child, even a little baby, take the lead at times.
  6. Early literacy isn’t about books: One of the earliest forms of literacy development takes place when babies and toddlers look at the faces of people who talk to them, and they gradually start to make connections between the sounds they hear and the way people’s lips move.
  7. You don’t have to be an expert in brain science to give your baby what she needs: In many ways, the key to nurturing babies’ brain development is simply to allow ourselves to be captivated by our babies — to develop a feeling of connection with them and do our best to learn how to care for them.
  8. The five senses are the portals to your baby’s brain: What neuroscience tells us is that, at birth, your baby’s brain is wired to be especially receptive to sensory experiences.
Must-Have Baby Toys
Sure, at the end of the day, you’re your baby’s most important resource for love and development, but these toys will help you out when you need it most.
  1. Earth Brights Baby’s Keys: This addition to Sassy’s eco-friendly line combines bright colors, pleasurable textures, and fun noises in a familiar design that Baby will reach for immediately.
  2. Swap N’ Go Snail: Baby’s on the move (and grasping cause and effect concepts!) with this brightly colored, multi-use toy.
  3. Sensitive Baby Sammy Doll: It’s nice to know you don’t need to sacrifice quality and design to ensure your baby’s comfort. The Goldberger Company delivers with this affordable, attractive, and durable doll specifically made for the most sensitive babies.
  4. Shangrila Activity Mat with Toy Arches: This stylish activity mat is full of surprises: One side features stimulating, high-contrast black and white designs, while the reverse tickles the senses with colorful, lush fabrics.
  5. Moonlight Bear: A sweet nursery addition, this nightlight sheds a soft glow on middle-of-the-night feedings and is so safe that your little one can actually sleep with it once he’s older.
  6. Wooden Hedgehog rattle: Kudos to ImagiPLAY for its simple, beautiful organic wooden rattle. Constructed entirely of beechwood from managed forests, these are sanded smooth and have a beeswax finish that’s perfect for gnawing and chomping.
  7. Eddie the Elephant: Finally, a noisy toy parents can appreciate! Baby presses Eddie’s nose to hear—and record—different notes, and plays with his ears and tail to feel different textures.
  8. Sweet Island Dreams Mobile: The Sweet Island Dreams Mobile combines the unique angles of three friendly animals paired with 20 minutes of continuous (and pleasant!) music.
  9. ExerSaucer 1-2-3 Tea for Me Tea Party: Designed with the ultimate girl in mind, our little gals loved rocking, bouncing, and spinning in it.
  10. Take-a-Long Colors Collection: Taggies blankets have long been a favorite with babies, and these bright new colors and even softer fabrics combined with the patented Taggie edging continue to please.
Things to Avoid
Although some of these things might sound silly, if you’re pregnant or want to become pregnant, the following list could be the most important advice you’ve ever followed.
  1. Hot Dogs: Several studies have linked hot dogs to childhood cancers.
  2. Reptiles: Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any contact with lizards, iguanas, turtles, or snakes as the salmonella virus is transfered through their feces and can affect your pregnancy. Also, children under the age of 5 are also at risk for contracting salmonella if they are in contact with reptiles.
  3. Vitamin A Supplements: By consuming as little as 4 times the RDA of vitamin A, you greatly increase the risk of having a baby with birth defects or other problems.
  4. Microwaves: These waves can easily damage the delicately developing brain of your fetus.
  5. Tap Water: Recent studies have shown that drinking tap water during the early months of pregnancy can increase your risk of miscarriage.
  6. Fumes from Paint, Paint Thinner, and Household Cleaning Products: At least, try to limit your exposure to these (and any other) toxic fumes, so the toxins aren’t delivered to your growing baby.
  7. Raising Your Body Temperature: There is a potential danger to the developing fetus if your body temperature rises above 102 degrees. You can raise your body temperature to this level by getting a fever, by exercising too strenuously, working outside on hot summer days, and so on.
  8. Saunas, Hot Tubs, and Long, Hot Baths: Though these activities sound relaxing, hot tubs and hot baths have a tendency to raise your body temperature and therefore are to be avoided
  9. Cat Litter Boxes: Cat feces may expose you to toxoplasmosis, which can cause birth defects.
  10. Tick Bites: If you spend a lot of time hiking outdoors, make sure to check yourself thoroughly for ticks. Tick bites open you to the risk of Lyme disease, which can be deadly to your developing baby.
  11. Caffeine: Caffeine exposure during pregnancy is thought to increase the probability of a child contracting diabetes.
  12. Cigarette Smoke: Both first- and secondhand cigarette smoke can impair your baby’s ability to develop normally. Exposure to smoke can result in spontaneous abortion, pre-term births, low-weight full-term babies, and fetal and infant deaths.


用愛心培育的幼兒,腦部發育多 10%

  原文見 "Maternal support in early childhood predicts larger hippocampal volumes at school age", Joan L. Lubya,, Deanna M. Barcha,b,c, Andy Beldena, Michael S. Gaffreya, Rebecca Tillmana, Casey Babba,
Tomoyuki Nishinoa, Hideo Suzukia, and Kelly N. Botterona,ca Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110; bDepartment of Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130; and cDepartment of Radiology, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110


這份報告曾引起爭議,因為本來研究目是有關憂鬱症的兒童的腦部發育,但這項研究同時加入普通沒有憂鬱症的兒童作比較。所以我覺得這份研究的抽樣性 (sampling) 亦算有代表性和有效的。

該研究大如下: 把一群約三歲小孩和其父母 (或監護人), 每個家庭關在一個獨立房中,叫他們等 8 分鐘,8 分鐘之後工作人員會小孩一份禮物。在這 8 分鐘內,孩子會等得不耐煩,研究人員於是觀察父母是否支援孩子情緒以渡過這段時間,或以其他方式如打罵等,直到 8 分鐘完畢。
研究人員然後按父母的反應歸納成兩批,"照顧" (Supportive) 組 和 "非照顧" (Non-supportive) 組。最後,把小孩照腦掃描。幾年後,到孩子約十歲時,再照腦掃描。

研究發現,"照顧" 組培育的孩子,到長大後腦部 Hippocampus 體積會較大約百份之十。  Hippocampus 有腦內的用處是記憶 (Memory),情緒控制 (Emotion),方向 (Navigation), 和三維空間感 (spatial orientation)
















   3、 阴虚:又称阴虚火旺,俗称虚火,阴虚之体的主要表现为;怕热,易怒,面颊升火,口干咽痛,大便干燥,小便短赤或黄,舌少津液,五心(二只手心、二只脚心与 头顶心)烦热,盗汗,腰酸背痛,梦遗滑精,舌质红,苔薄或光剥,脉细数等。进补宜采用补阴、滋阴、养阴等法,补阴虚的药物可选用生地、麦冬、玉竹、珍珠 粉、银耳、冬虫夏草、石斛,龟板等。



   忌食或少食:狗肉(脑血管患者禁食)、羊肉(肝炎患者禁食)、雀肉、海马、海龙、獐肉、锅巴、炒花生、炒黄豆、炒瓜子、爆米花、荔枝、龙眼肉、佛手柑、 杨梅、大蒜、韭菜、芥菜、辣椒、薤白、生姜、砂仁、荜拨、草豆蔻、花椒、白豆蔻、大茴香、小茴香、丁香、薄荷、白酒、香烟、红参、肉苁蓉、锁阳等。


   4、阳虚:又称阳虚火衰,是气虚的进一步发展,阳虚之体的主要表现为;除有气虚的表现外,平时怕冷,四肢不温,喜热饮,体温常偏低,腰酸腿软,阳痿早 泄,小腹冷痛,乏力,小便不利,舌质淡溥,苔白,脉沉细等。进补宜补阳、益阳、温阳。补阳虚的药物可选用红参、鹿茸、杜仲、虫草、肉桂、海马等。



   忌食或少食:鸭血、鸭蛋、阿胶、牛奶、酸奶、甲鱼、螃蟹、田螺、螺蛳、蚌肉、蚬肉、柿子、柿饼、柚子、柑、香蕉、无花果、西瓜、青苦瓜、地瓜、菜瓜、生 藕、生萝卜、丝瓜、冬瓜、紫菜、地耳、金针菇、草菇、落葵、莼菜、发菜、君达菜、罗汉果、荸荠、菊花脑、薄荷、金银花、菊花、槐花等。








  马铃薯(洋芋、土豆、山药蛋) 味甘、性平。作用:补气、健脾。宜于脾虚体弱,食欲不振,消化不良。发芽的马铃薯芽与皮有毒,忌食。


  香菇 味甘、性平。作用:益胃气,托痘疹。宜于脾胃虚弱,食欲不振,倦怠乏力。属于发物,麻疹和皮肤病、过敏性疾病忌食。

  山药 味甘、性平,归脾、肺、肾经。作用:补气健脾,养阴益肺,补肾固精。宜于脾气虚弱,食少便溏,慢性泄泻。湿盛和气滞胀满者忌食。

  栗子 味甘、性温,归脾、胃、肾经。作用:补脾健胃,补肾强筋,活血止血。宜于脾虚食少,反胃,泻泄。气滞腹胀者忌食。

  红枣(大枣) 味甘、性温,归脾、胃经。作用:补益脾胃,养血安神。宜于脾胃虚弱,食少便稀,疲乏无力。气滞、湿热和便秘者忌食。

  鸡肉 味甘、性温,归脾、胃经。作用:补中益气,补精添髓。宜于脾胃虚弱,疲乏,纳食不香,慢性泄泻。实证、热证、疮疡和痘疹后忌食。

  兔肉 味甘、性凉。作用:补中益气,凉血解毒。宜于脾虚食少,血热便血,胃热呕吐反胃,肠燥便秘。虚寒、泄泻者忌食。

  猪肚(猪胃) 味甘、性温。作用:补益脾胃。宜于虚弱、泄泻,近代用于胃下垂和消化性溃疡。

  牛肚(牛百叶) 味甘、性温。作用:益脾胃,补五脏。宜于病后气虚,脾胃虚弱,消化不良。

  羊肚(羊胃) 味甘、性温。作用:补虚弱、益脾胃。宜于形体瘦弱、脾胃虚寒。

  牛肉 味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补脾胃,益气血,强筋骨。宜于脾胃虚弱,食少便稀,中气下陷,慢性泄泻。

  桂鱼 味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补脾胃,益气血。宜于脾胃虚弱,食欲不振。虚寒证、寒湿证忌食。

  泥鳅 味甘、性平,归脾、肺经。作用:补中益气,利水祛湿。宜于中气不足、泄泻、脱肛。

  粳米(大米、硬米) 味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补中益气,健脾和胃。宜于中气不足,倦怠乏力、食少便溏,脾胃不和,呕吐、泄泻。

  籼米 味甘、性温,归肺、脾、心经。作用:补脾胃,养五脏。宜于脾虚湿盛腹泻。热证、湿热证、阴虚证忌食。

  糯米(江米) 味甘、性温,归脾、胃、肺经。作用,补中益气,补肺敛汗。宜于脾虚腹泻,近代用于慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡。粘滞难化,食积证、气滞证、湿证、脾虚胃弱及消化不良者忌食。

  扁豆 味甘、性微温,归脾、胃经。作用,健脾化湿,清暑和中。宜于脾虚湿盛,食少便稀,暑湿吐泻。气滞腹胀者忌食。

  豇豆 味甘、性平,归脾、肾经。作用:健脾,补肾。宜于脾胃虚弱,腹泻,呕吐。气滞证和便秘者忌食。

  蜂蜜 味甘、性平,归脾、肺、大肠经。作用:补脾缓急,润肺止咳,润肠通便。宜于脾胃虚弱胃痛,津亏肠燥便秘,近代用于消化性溃疡。湿证、湿热证、胃胀腹胀、呕吐、便稀者忌食;不宜与葱、莴苣同食。





   取黄芪15~30克、大枣10克、百合30克一起下锅炖,时间30~40分钟,之后连汤带料一起食用。这三味原料中黄芪性温热、有补气的功能,大枣是补 血补气、健脾胃的佳品,百合能够滋阴养肺。三者结合,对气血两虚的病人大有好处,能够缓解乏力、怕冷症状,也能够滋润皮肤。









   进补提示:可用一些补气的药物调理,如人参、黄芪、白术、红枣、甘草用来炖鸡或排骨以补气。用人参进补有一定的讲究,在家里用人参进补要格外小心,应以 小剂量、短疗程为原则,最好在服用之前咨询一下医生。气虚的女性在秋冬季节应该多吃萝卜、大枣、排骨汤等补气的食物;在药补上,可以喝由黄芪、人参、白 术、甘草配制的“四君子汤”。



   进补提示:平时可常吃补血养血的食物,如菠菜、黑豆、胡萝卜、金针菜、莲藕、黑木耳、鸡肉、猪肉、羊肉、海参等;水果可选用桑椹、葡萄、红枣、桂圆等。 同时也可结合中药进行药补,常用的补血中药有当归、藏红花、熟地、川芎、白芍、阿胶等。用这些中药和补血的食物一起做成可口的药膳,如当归生姜羊肉汤、阿 胶炖黄酒、四物鸡汤等,都有很好的养血效果。




   进补提示:怕冷的女性要多吃羊肉、牛肉、狗肉、鸡肉、鹌鹑、大蒜、辣椒、生姜、香菜、洋葱、桂圆、栗子等温热的食物,有助于御寒。也可多吃些含碘较多的 食物,如海带、海蜇、海水鱼、虾皮等。应积极参加适宜的体育锻炼,尤其是从事久坐或久立工作的妇女,应重视体育活动,多做手、脚和腰部的运动。

   七、人体虚症、概括起来不外体虚、阳虚、血虚、阴虚四种类型,根据虚症的不同类型应有针对性地选择恰当的补虚药。但人体在生命活动过程中,气、血、阴、 阳是相互依存、相互影响的、一般而论,气虚和阳虚、表示机体活动能力的衰退,阳虚多兼气虚,而气虚也易导致阳虚;阴虚和血虚、表示机体精血津液的耗损,阴 虚多兼血虚,而血虚也易导致阴虚。所以,气血双亏、阴阳俱虚亦属常见之症,治当补气药与补血药、补阴药与补阳药并用,所谓气血双补、阴阳并补之法。另外, 气能生血,亦能生津,故气虚与阴津不足之症,常以补气药配补血药或补阴药,即补气生血,益气生津之法。
